National Sewing Month: Hobbies For Family Caregivers and Their Parents

The late President Ronald Reagan proclaimed September as National Sewing Month in 1982. For several years, he continued to proclaim this annual month for the Home Sewing Association. But interest in this national month declined in the 2000s, and the Home Sewing Association disbanded.

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In 2008, the digital properties of the former organization were purchased by several people. Popularity in sewing gained traction, so themed projects for National Sewing Month were established each year. The theme in 2023 is “Sew Sustainable.”

As a family caregiver, you’re always looking for things to bring joy to your mom. Here are some sewing projects that focus on sustainability:

Make Reusable Sponges

Your mom has bags of stained t-shirts and jeans that she’s about to throw out. Set that bag of clothing aside and cut it into rectangles that are about 6 x 4 inches. Put two of those rectangles together and sew three of the edges. Once the edges are sewn, put in bunched-up burlap or charcoal filtration. Sew the final edge. Use those in place of scrub sponges. You can toss them in the washer and dryer as needed.

Turn Old Shirts and Pants Into Quilts

Cut the old clothing into quilting squares. Sew the squares together and turn them into a quilt. You can do both sides of the quilt in recycled clothing and add some batting between to create a warm and cozy quilt for the sofa or a bed.

Create a Pet Bed

A flannel shirt becomes a great pet bed. Cut off the sleeves and turn it inside out. Stitch the openings, sew up the front, and neck hole –  keeping the collar on the inside when you turn it right side out again. Once just one side is left open, fill it with cedar shavings. Sew the bottom and give your pets a bed that smells fantastic and is durable.

Make Reusable Produce Bags

When your mom is shopping, does she usually grab plastic produce bags? Instead of using them, use old t-shirts to create reusable produce bags. Make large rectangles, sew them together on three sides, and add rope straps at the top. You can wash them between uses to keep them germ-free.

While you’re often around to help your mom, what happens if you have an appointment or need a break? Do you leave your mom on her own and hope nothing happens? Arrange home care assistance to ensure your mom has a caregiver with her when you’re away.

Home care assistance is a service offered by Hughes Home Care. It provides your mom with a professional caregiver to temporarily assist with everything from meals to personal care. Call a specialist to learn more about respite care services.

If you or someone you know needs Home Care Assistance in Mobile, AL, please contact the friendly caregivers at  Hughes Home Care. We provide quality and affordable care for your elderly loved ones in our community. Call Us Today at 251-517-9901.  Serving Mobile & Baldwin County.

James Hughes