Are You at Risk for Caregiver Burnout?
Although there are many positive aspects of being a caregiver, it can also be exhausting and stressful. Many people who act as family caregivers to older adults find themselves suffering from caregiver burnout.

Elderly Care in Fairhope AL: Caregiver Burnout
Caregiver burnout is a state in which a person feels mentally and physically exhausted because of their many responsibilities. They may go from feeling good about being a caregiver to feeling angry and frustrated. Caregiver burnout is usually the result of having too much to do and not enough help or trying to do more than is physically or financially possible. Recognizing the signs of impending caregiver burnout can help you to turn things around before it’s too late.
Signs of Caregiver Burnout
Signs of caregiver burnout can be a lot like the signs of depression or stress. Some of the signs are:
-Feeling Overwhelmed: One minute you might feel sad about your aging relative’s condition or your role as a caregiver, and the next you might be furious about it all. You may feel like you can’t go on another minute and you can’t possibly do one more thing.
-Withdrawing from Others: You might find yourself avoiding being with your family and friends. Perhaps you’re just too exhausted to spend even one more minute with another person, or perhaps you just feel like you don’t have time because you’re too wrapped up in your caregiver duties.
-Getting Sick: If you catch every bug that comes along, it could be a sign of burnout. Caregivers tend to neglect their own health because they’re focused on the health of the older adult.
-Appetite or Weight Changes: You may lose your appetite and unintentionally lose weight. Or, the reverse could happen, and you find yourself emotionally eating, causing a weight gain.
-Change in Sleep: Caregivers often experience changes in sleep patterns. They may be unable to sleep at night, thinking about all of the things on their to-do list. Or, they may feel like sleeping all the time.
-Avoiding Caregiver Burnout
Avoiding caregiver burnout involves taking care of yourself first. Don’t neglect your own health. Go to your regular medical appointments, eat healthily, and make time to exercise. Also, stay connected with your friends and family. They are essential to your emotional health—and they may also be willing to help care for the older adult so you can take a break. Hiring a home care provider can also be a great way to take care of both your aging relative and yourself at the same time. A home care provider can come to the senior’s home and care for them while you go to work, spend time with your family, or enjoy some time for yourself.
If you or someone you know needs elderly care in Fairhope, AL, please contact the friendly caregivers at Hughes Home Care. We provide quality and affordable care for your elderly loved ones in our community. Call Us Today 251-517-9901. Serving Mobile & Baldwin County.
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